The Songs
The Singer/Songwriter

Friday, June 18
- ♥ Wow.

"Oh no! What happened to your blog?" you'll ask.
I have moved all my posts from this blog and my previous blog to another place :) Don't worry, they're all safely kept. 2010, so much occured & I'm still in the process of learning, growing, and becoming. Even breathing has been complicating.

Each fall, each situation, becomes an experience: A painful memory; a lesson learnt; a wonderful memory.. altogether so precious.

Mistakes that I've done, can't regret anymore but I can learn so much from it.
Can't erase them, but I can help and warn others in need.
Forgive me if I have hurt you indirectly, I'm really sorry.

School holidays are coming to an end.
Therafter there's Father's Day, Teacher's Day, Campfire Night, Pre-Rally, Subang Rally 2010, Seafield Canteen Day!!.... etc. more duties, events...
At the end, still SPM is very important.
Wow. So much more to give, receive, learn, grow, go.

Hence, I'm taking this time, I want to thank God, because many times this year, I've completely failed myself and even drawn away from Him, but His faithfulness, and forgiveness amazes me and He has always comforted me in my desperations, depressions. I'm truly grateful. Also, thank you my family and friends, wow, you all have no idea how much you guys mean in my life. Seriously. Thank you for always being there for me. You all rock. And I love rocks! (haha, get it?) God, family, friends, church, youth, Seafield, CF, 5 Budi, prayer meeting!.... everything I'm a part of, everyone; I love each one of you. So much. And Love is a strong, beautiful word : )

I will be away from here for a while, I need to really adapt a whole new perspective of viewing life, appreciate every single day and every single person, relationships with God and people to be restored, search for myself and dreams again, and began to embrace who God really wants me to be : ) It's all so important, that I don't want to simply express/throw fireballs(haha) and waste a second of your time reading something not worth reading in this blog through this process of mine(understand? heh.) Yup. I'll miss all of you, take care. Remember, I believe all these in life:
  1. Having an awesome-super-personal Encounter with Jesus! ♥ 
  2. Empowering people!!
  3. And Enjoy m&m(music&movies + m&m chocolates).
Haha. I'm still around everywhere no worries :D Find me easily. School, CF, prayer meeting, church, Facebook.. haha. God bless ! I'll be back.

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